Nombres y Apellidos 姓と名前 Family names and given names
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Crispiano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso
Pablo Ruiz Picassoの名前+名字+名字のパターン
Pablo Diego Ruiz Picassoの名前+名前+名字+名字のパターン
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Crispiano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso
Can you recognize the man who has this name?
Yes, he is a super famous painter, Picasso. Do you think he has an incredibly long name? That’s true. His name is a rare case, however, very often the people from Spanish speaking countries have a long name to some extent.
So, which part of this long name is the family name? It should be Picasso. Correct, but not perfect.
The answer is, Ruiz and Picasso, both of them are family name. In Spanish-speaking culture, family names are decided automatically. Family names of both parents are given to individual child’s family. Of course, using both of them is troublesome to some extent, but both of them are treated officially in documents like ID. This is a different from the situation of Japan that people usually use one family name of their father. So, the family name is different between parents and children in this Spanish culture. People who share the same family name are usually among brothers and sisters.
By the way, the left of Picasso’s name is given name? The case of Picasso is not ordinary. People of Spanish-spaking culture normally has 1 or 2 give names.
Pablo Ruiz Picasso : given name + father’s paternal family name+ mother’s paternal family name
Pablo Diego Ruiz Picasso : given name 1 + given name 2 + father’s paternal family name+ mother’s paternal family name
These two types are most popular. Given name 2 sometimes is Christian name.
In my case, I encounter many troubles because of using this Spanish speaking style full name in Japan. Japanese people ask me so many times how to read my “names” or how to call me. How interesting the difference of culture is!!
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Crispiano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso
Sabes quien es?
Si Pablo Picasso fue un pintor mundialmente famoso.Piensas que su nombre es muy largo ? yo tambien pienso lo mismo pero en la cultura hispanohablante normalmente las personas tienen su nombre largo compara explicar con re
specto a los nombres por ejenplo Pablo Picasso
Cual parte crees que es su apellido?
creo que es picasso ?.Es correcto pero no completamente sus apellidos son Ruiz y Picasso
En la cultura hispanohablante se usan los dos apellidos el paterno y el materno para uso oficial ode documentos y en la vida cotidiana se usa un solo nombre y un apellido
en el caso de picasso su nombre es muy largo
Hay otros casos en que usan su nombre de bautizmo
En mi caso uso todos mis nombres como estan en mis documentos oficiales por eso los japoneses siempre me preguntan como te puedo llamar?es por la diferencia de culturas que no es solamente en los nombres sino en otros asuntos tambien esto es lo mas interesante de las diferencias