Hello, I am Sachiyo FUJITA-ROUND. I started to work at Daito Bunka University from April 2024, as a specially appointed associate professor.
専門は社会言語学、バイリンガル教育、異文化コミュニケーションです。大東文化大学では英語教育を担当し、非常勤講師として、横浜市立大学大学院と国際基督教大学大学院の’Language Education in Asia’(アジアにおける言語教育), ‘Sociolinguistics(社会言語学)’の科目を教えています。
My expertize lies in Sociolinguistics, Bilingual Education, and Intercultural Communication. I am teaching English language at Daito Bunka University, at the same time, as a part time teacher, I teach ’Language Education in Asia’ at Yokohama City University, Graduate School, and ‘Sociolinguistics’ at International Christian University, Tokyo.
In brief summary of what I have taught and researched, I have taught Japanese language education, Intercultural communication, and sociolinguistics at Obirin University, Rikkyo University Graduate School, and International Christian University as faculty. I also taught those subjects teacher at many other universities part time. Through teaching languages, Japanese and English, I gained insights in languages and had questions about learning languages, these experiences guided me in my research on Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Japan. From my first field site and the informant as a case study, my own son in an intermarriage family acquiring Japanese and English as his mother tongue/s, Young Jae raised a Korean and Japanese bilingual through Japanese state school supplemental classes in Shinjuku ward, Tokyo, which study was my Ph.D. thesis, and 3rd generation children in Miyakojima City, whose grandparents were active Miyakoan and Japanese. Miyakoan language is one of eight endangered languages in Japan. My research has been developed from 1) bilingual family in intermarriage, 2) JSL bilingualism and multilingualism in Shinjuku ward, Tokyo, and 3) bilingual education/ language revitalization in the context of endangered language in Miyakojima city, Okinawa.
My own field of study and interests: Language of Sociology, Applied Linguistics, Multilingualism, Bilingual education, Intercultural communication, linguistic landscape, language diversity in Japan, and Multicultural Kyosei(co-existence).
In the following section, I will list research outcomes of my own. Some papers and research notes have links to the actual pdf, which I retrieved the papers from 2011. My research methodology is mostly fieldwork, and analyzing and describing the outcomes in the position of Constructivism, thus my research outcomes are often mentioned that they are lack of theoreties. I am aware of my own epistemological position, from this position of observing participation, sometimes I myself am a participant in my research for example a mother of a bilingual intermarriage family or participant observer and witness who would like to understand the informants in the actual domain and space of language interaction. I am still exploring such an ontological and epistemological journey I have embarked on.
I will write my fieldwork memo on my website blog. If you would like to feedback to my writing, please use the comment column under each blog page, or these blogs are linked to facebookpage.

Dr. Sachiyo FUJITA-ROUND’s academic works until March, 2022
<1. 科学研究費助成研究 Grant in Aid (Kaken) research projects>
2020-2023年基盤研究(B)20H01648 (代表:渡辺幸倫)「越境する日本人国際結婚家庭の教育意識:アジア五か国でのライフストーリーから」
<2. 著作 Published chapter articles>
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2022) ‘Chapter 4 Language Communities of the Southern Ryukyus: Miyako, Yaeyama, and Yonaguni’ in John C. Maher, Language Communities in Japan, Oxford University Press.
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2019) ‘Chapter 11 Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Japan’ in Patrick Heinrich & Yumiko Ohara (eds.) Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics, Routledge.
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo & Maher, John C. (2017) ‘Chapter 23 Language Policy and Political Issues in Education’ in T. McCarty & S. May (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education (3rd edition), Volume 1, Springer International.
藤田ラウンド幸世(2016)「第3章 消滅危機言語コミュニティから日本の言語教育政策を観る:宮古島の経験から」、桂木隆夫、ジョン・C・マーハ編『言語復興の未来と価値:理論的考察と事例研究』、三元社。
藤田ラウンド幸世(2013)「第7章 国際結婚家族で母語を身につけるバイリンガル:社会言語学と言語発達の視点から捉える」、加賀美常美代編『多文化共生論:多様性理解のためのヒントとレッスン』、明石書店。
藤田ラウンド幸世(2008)「第7章 新宿区で学びマルティリンガルとなる子どもたち」、川村千鶴子編『「移民国家日本」と多文化共生論:多文化都市・新宿の深層』、明石書店。
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo & Maher, John C. (2008) ‘Language Education Policy in Japan’ in S. May & N. Hornberger (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd edition), Volume 1, Springer International.
藤田ラウンド幸世(2007)「第9章 さらに学ぶ」、桜美林大学日本語プログラム・グループさくら編『自律を目指すことばの学習:さくら先生のチュートリアル』、凡人社。
藤田ラウンド幸世(2002)「第8章 家族が育むバイリンガルの母語:国際結婚家族に育つ子どもの事例から」、渡戸一郎、川村千鶴子編『多文化教育を拓く:マルチカルチュラルな日本の現実のなかで』、明石書店。
<3. 論文 Academic papers>
藤田ラウンド幸世(2019)「宮古島の『現在』をドキュメントする:消滅危機言語の言語復興へのアプローチ」、Rikkyo ESD Journal、No.3/4。
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2011) “The Story of Young Jae: A Sociolinguistic Study of a Korean School Age Sojourner and Bilingualism in Education in Shinjuku, Tokyo(日本語訳:ヨンジェの物語:韓国出身の学齢期にある一時滞在者の子どもとその背景となる東京都新宿区における教育のバイリンガリズムに関する社会言語学的考察)”、博士論文、国際基督教大学。
藤田ラウンド幸世(2009)「学習者オートノミーにおける『学習の見えないプロセス』:チュートリアル担当教員の物語と学習者の振り返りから」、『OBIRIN TODAY:教育の現場から』第9号、桜美林大学教育センター群。
藤田ラウンド幸世(2007)「日本の社会が求めるバイリンガルとは」、『OBIRIN TODAY:教育の現場から』第7号、桜美林大学教育センター群。
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (1996) ‘Double transitions: A case study of an infant Japanese/English bilingual’, Japan Journal of Multilingualism and Multiculturalism, Volume 3, No. 1, Japan Association for Language Teaching Bilingualism N-Sig.
<4. 研究ノート Research notes>
WATANABE, Yukinori & FUJITA-ROUND, Sachiyo & QIU, Xiaolan & SUN, Wonsuk & RYU, Seoungho & YANG, Soyeon & RUPAVIJETRA, Phetcharee & CHOMPIKUN, Jiraporn & RUPAVIJETRA, Ploypailin (2022) ‘Interim report on the educational belief of families with Japanese marriage migrants: Analysis of life stories in five Asian countries’『相模女子大学文化研究』第40号、相模女子大学.
<5. 学会発表 Academic presentations>
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2022) ‘“Isn’t it Japanese?”, said one Miyakoan potential bilingual pupil: An ethnographic study of code-switching and language awareness of young generation’ “Practicing Japan – 35 years of Japanese Studies in Poznań and Kraków” (Online by Adam Michiewicz University, Poznań/Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, March 26th, 2022).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2021) ‘Making “digital” linguistic ethnography of Myaakufutsu (Miyakoan): an approach of raising awareness of the speakersin the endangered Ryukyu’, The 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies [ヨーロッパ日本研究協会] (Online by Gent University, Belgium, August 27th, 2021).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2020) ‘Transforming resources into webinars and YouTube’, The 46th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition (Online by Eventzil.la in cooperation with JALT, November 22nd, 2020).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2019) ‘Documenting the local voices of the Miyakoan endangered language in the video: a linguistic ethnography of the awareness of their language’, International Interdisciplinary Conference 2019, “On the Move: Indigenous Knowledge, Language and Culture, Tourism and Creative Economy in Asia and Beyond” (Mahidol University, Thailand, July 2nd, 2019).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2018) ‘Documenting Miyakoan language, an endangered language of Japan: sociolinguistic action to raise awareness of the linguistic diversity within Japan’, Department of Development Workshop (招待講演) (Mahidol University, Thailand, July 25th, 2018).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2018) ‘Linguistic ethnography of school-age pupils in Miyako Island, Okinawa: bilingual use of an endangered language and Japanese by younger generation’, The 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium (Auckland University, New Zealand, June 27th, 2018).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo & Hattori, Katsuyuki (2018) ‘Researching and creating a documentary video about an endangered language in Japan: a challenge of sociolinguistic action research after multilingual turn’, The 22nd Sociolinguistics Symposium (Auckland University, New Zealand, June 28th, 2018).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2017) ‘Bilingualism of school age children in Miyako Island City in Okinawa: How language diversity can contribute to peace’, 共同パネル「平和をめざすことばの教育パネル(2)」, The 15th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (Lisbon New University, Portugal, August 31st, 2017).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2016) ‘Constructing a website to ‘Rethink/reconsider Multicultural “Kyosei (co-existence/co-living)”: an action to post the experiences by blog multilingually on website’, The 17th Korean Society of Education for International Understanding [第17回韓国国際理解教育学会] (Yonsei University, South Korea, November 12th, 2016).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo & Perez=Murillo, Maria D. (2015) ‘Korean and Spanish Speaking Diasporas in Tokyo: Two Case Studies of Children Becoming Bilingual’, The 45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (Aston University, Birmingham city, UK, September 3rd, 2015).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo & Perez=Murillo, Maria D. (2015) ‘Becoming Bilingual in Tokyo: Two Case Studies of Transitional and Maintenance Programmes’, Sociolinguistics of Globalization [社会言語学におけるグローバリゼーション国際大会] (香港大学、香港特別市、2015年5月3日).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2014) ‘“Why can’t I read about Miyako History in our School Textbook?”: Hisamatsu community and localizing language awareness’, The 18th Foundation for Endangered Language [消滅危機言語財団国際大会] (沖縄国際大学、2014年9月19日).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo & Perez=Murillo, Maria D. (2014) ‘Raising Children Bilingually in Community: Based on case studies of literacy practices in Tokyo’, Sociolinguistics Symposium 20 [第20回社会言語学シンポジウム] (フィンランド、ユバスキュラ大学、2014年6月17日).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2014) ‘Negotiating language ideologies in the JSL classroom: Analysis of social role of JSL teacher’s discourse’ in Panel title “Exploring and theorizing the working of language and power in multilingual Japan”, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 2014 [民族・文化人類学の科学における国際連合、2014年国際年次大会] (幕張メッセ、2014年5月17日).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2012) ‘Becoming Korean/Japanese bilingual through interaction: The ethnographic case study of Young Jae, a school age sojourner in Shinjuku’, [第13回韓国国際理解教育学会研究大会] (京仁教育大学校、韓国、2012年11月10日).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo. (2012) ‘The Story of Young Jae: a Sociolinguistic Study of a Korean School Age Sojourner in Tokyo’, 45th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics (University of Southampton, Southampton, September 7th, 2012).
Fujita-Round, Sachiyo (2010) ‘Bilingual children-to-be in Shinjuku: A study of an early Japanese language program for JSL children’, Sociolinguistics Symposium 18 [第18回社会言語学シンポジウム] (Southampton University, UK, September 8th, 2010).
藤田ラウンド幸世、 John C. Maher 、木村護郎クリストフ、 James W. Tollefson 、生越直樹(2005)「多文化社会におけるバイリンガリズム」、招待パネル「社会言語学」、第130回大会日本言語学会招待発表(国際基督教大学、2005年6月11日)。
<6. 翻訳 Translations>
(原書 Prasad, Pushkala (2005) Crafting Qualitative Research: Working in the Postpositivist
Traditions, M.E. Sharpe.)
(原書 Piller, Ingrid (2011) Intercultural Communication: A Critical Introduction, Edinburgh University Press.)
1. 八重山語(竹富方言)
内盛スミ・山本史・中川奈津子 [翻訳: 藤田Round幸世 & Round, Rick] (2021)『ふしぬ いんのぬ はなし(星砂の話)[A Tale of the Star-shaped Sand] 』、ひつじ書房。
2. 宮古語(多良間方言)
野原正子・山本史・下地賀代子 [翻訳: 藤田Round幸世 & Round, Rick] (2021)『カンナマルクールクぬ かむ(カンナマルクールクの神)[The Tale of the Beautiful Girl, Kannamaru Kuuruku] 』、ひつじ書房。
3. 沖永良部語
松村雪枝・田中美保子・山本史・横山晶子 [翻訳: 藤田Round幸世 & Round, Rick] (2022)『ましゅ いっしゅーぬ くれー(塩一升の運)[The True Value of a Sho of Salt] 』、ひつじ書房。
4. 与那国語
與那覇悦子・山本史・山田真寛 [翻訳: 藤田Round幸世 & Round, Rick] (2022 in press)『ディラブディ [Dirabudi the Fisherman] 』、ひつじ書房。