イギリス・ブログ 第二次世界大戦の捉え方(2) Blog from UK Understanding toward the WW2(2)
Language言語: English/日本語
Very luckily, the man in the uniform, Paul, is a history teacher and he explained about this battle re-enactment, as the way I wanted. He was dressed in German soldier’s uniform and he explained that it would be a battle re-enactment in the afternoon, a battle between British, American and German teams (mock armies?). The main purpose for this battle is to re-enact the war time and makes his students/younger generation know how the war was like, he said. It sounded more like experitential excercise of education. Ok, I felt relieved, in one way, because being a Japanese I was the enemy for British & American armies in war time. Educational act, and he emphasized that all can talk about the war openly and it is important. True, I appreciated his effort, even though he is a British, dressing up as a German soldier.
In the afternoon, however, I could not avoid a visit to my relative’s house for afternoon tea. I was not able to see the actual Paul’s re-enactment battle, but on the following day I visited the site of this festival on the second day thouroughly and saw very interersting diverse mixture views on history of this war time festival.
Further details of the actual festival is as follows: Lytham 1940s Wartime Festival 2015 http://www.lytham1940s.co.uk/#!videos/c12d2
実際のフェスティバルの詳細についてはこちらのウェブサイトへ:Lytham 1940s Wartime Festival 2015 http://www.lytham1940s.co.uk/#!videos/c12d2