ミニシンポジウムの報告(1) Reporting our mini-symposium(1)
At the International Christian University, Kiyoshi Togasaki Memorial Dialogue House 2nd Floor, International Conference Hall, the two day mini symposium, Rethinking ‘Tabunka (multicultural)’ and ‘Kyosei (co-existence)’—by the interdisciplinary perspectives, was held.
まずは、受付で確認をしたあと、会場へ。当日のプログラムはこのような内容でした。First, check the name at the reception desk. And the programme for the first day is as follows.
<第一日目: 9月7日(日)Day 1: September 7th (Sunday) 13:00-16:30>
An inquiry into childhood identities from the perspective of intercultural and second language
Dr. Yasuko MINOURA (Ochanomizu University, professor emerita)
心理学・文化人類学 Psychology/Anthropology
Intercultural Experience and Identity in Childhood
Mr. Yukio YOSHIMOTO (Veteran teacher of JSL class, Shinjuku ward Elementary School, Lecturer at University of Ryukyus, Tokyo Gakugei University and other universities)
教育実践・日本語教育 Educational Practices/Japanese Education
‘I’ with full of goodness (from my parents)
会議場では十分なスペースがあり、人数もちょうどよかったです。The room is spacious and it was a good sized symposium.
スタッフメンバーは1番目の講演者の写真を撮り忘れ、これは2番目の講演者の善元幸夫先生の講演の写真です。ディスカッションでは、講演者への質問と議論が活発にでて、子どものアイデンティティをめぐるさまざまな観点が浮き彫りになりました。 The staff started taking photographs from the second speaker, Yukio Yoshimoto sensei. During the discussion, there were active questions and discussions about children’s identity and in the discussion there emereges various issues in relation to the theme.
次回に続く To be continued.