Hi, it’s green! This summer, or winter in the south hemisphere, I went to visit my family who live in Santiago, Chile (I wrote a few posts on Santiago if you haven’t read them yet). I stayed there for about 2 months. My family likes tourism within the country they live in- to get to know the place they live in a little bit more, so we decided to visit probably the second most popular location in Chile after the Easter Island, Atacama Desert. The Atacama Desert is in the north of Chile, in bordering with Peru and Bolivia (some tour companies can take you to Bolivia’s famous Uyuni Salt […]
Part 1: A Month In Santiago, Chile (1) Souvenir Shopping In Santiago My next visit was the “Centro Artesanal Los Dominicos”; a small traditional looking ‘village’ (there even was a church outside) with artesian shops and cafes. The prices are slightly expensive according to locals, but it was a good place to get souvenirs. They also sell animals (mostly birds) so there were parents who took their children here instead of a zoo. I got some alpaca/llama key chains (yes, those you can find in most South American countries) and a pair of earrings made of “lapis lazuli” as a souvenir. Chile is famous for this precious stone. It’s […]
Since my family moved recently, I decided to spend my summer holidays (it was more of a winter holiday) to spend it in Chile’s capital city; Santiago. I was there for about a month and stayed at my parents’ apartment. The view of The Andes Mountains in Chile/Argentina from the plane (photo by my father on a business trip). As soon as I got off the plane I regretted not taking my winter coat as hand luggage. It was freezing. Since Japan is in the north hemisphere and Chile in the south, the seasons are opposite. So I was, of course, wearing summer clothes. My parents’ apartment was a 30-40 […]
I was in charge of the Japanese booth. The goal of this booth was for Bolivians to learn about Japan and out culture so I decided to write people’s names in Japanese, and while playing bull’s eye learning how to greet someone in Japanese.
The other day, my family gathered to celebrate my great grandfather’s birthday. My great grandfather is the first generation of the immigrants who went to Peru. We went to mass to commemorate my great grandfather’s birthday, and then we discussed about the life story of my great grandfather who travelled such a long distance. About 100 years ago, he crossed the ocean from Japan to Peru with only 100 dollars in his pocket. In a foreign land, he managed to end up running 3 different hair salons. We all talked about how hard it must have been for him since there were wars going on back then and a lot […]
Japones/Ingles/Espanol・日本語/英語/スペイン語・Japanese/English/Spanish Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Crispiano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso これ誰の名前かわかりますか? そう、あの超有名な画家、パブロ・ピカソの本名です。とても長いと思いますか?そうですよね。僕も長いと思います。しかし、こうした長い名前、程度の差こそありますが、スペイン語圏では珍しいことではありません。今回、久しぶりの更新では、パブロ・ピカソの名前を例にスペイン語圏の名前のつけ方についてお話します。 この長いピカソの名前、どこが名字だと思いますか?Picassoが名字に決まってる?半分正解です。 答えは最後の二つ、RuizとPicassoです。スペイン語圏の名前において、名字は自動的に決まります。父親と母親の父系の名字(お父さんの家系の名字)がその人の名字になります。もちろん、いつもこの二つを名乗るわけではありませんが、公的書類にはしっかり書いてあります。父親の姓を名乗ることが一般的な日本ではなかなか思いつかない発想だと思います。親と子では名字も違ってしまうんです。名字が一緒なのは、両親が同じ兄弟とだけなんですね。 では、名字以外のすべてが名前なのでしょうか?ピカソの場合は、一般的な名前の数をはるかに超えていますが、基本的にスペイン語圏の人々は名前を一つ、あるいは二つ持つことが一般的です。 Pablo Ruiz Picassoの名前+名字+名字のパターン Pablo Diego Ruiz Picassoの名前+名前+名字+名字のパターン の二つがポピュラーですね。二つ目の名前がキリスト教の洗礼名になってることもあります。 僕の場合、通名を使わず、本名で日ごろ生活しているので、日本の人々にはどのように呼べばいいか聞かれることがしょっちゅうです。名前ひとつとってもこれだけ違うのです。面白いと思いませんか? Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Crispiano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso Can you recognize the man who has this name? Yes, he is a super famous painter, Picasso. Do you think he has an incredibly long name? That’s true. His name is a rare case, however, very often the people from Spanish speaking countries have a long name to some extent. So, which part of this long […]
前回のブログでは、ペルーという国が意外と多文化な国であるということについて書きました。もちろん日本も異なる文化を持つ社会であると言えますが、ペルーという国はその成り立ちからその中に、様々な文化を内包していました。 ペルーといえばインカ帝国が有名ですが、実はそのインカ帝国、領域内を一つの文明のみが支配していたわけではありません。インカの文明がその版図を広げた理由は、征服した地域の文明を尊重したからだと言われています。インカの有名な石組みも元をたどれば、征服した文明からもらった技術なのです。 たくさんの文化が合わさったインカの文明も、スペインの植民地化によって破壊されてしまいます。もちろん完璧に破壊されるわけではなく、スペインの文化と土着の文化はその政治的なパワーによる偏向はあっても、ひとつの国に同居していました。独立に際しても、その中核はスペイン系の比較的富裕な人たちなので大きな変化は起こりませんでしたが、次第に”ペルー”というアイデンティティをより強固に持ち始めます。 その後、時代は世界がどんどんつながり始め、ペルーにもたくさんの移民がやってくるようになります。ヨーロッパから、アジアから、様々なところからやってきた移民がペルーに新たな文化を持ち込みます。今でもそれらの文化は残っていますが、その紹介は次回にしましょう。次回の内容のヒントはお写真で。 In the foremer post of my blog, I mentioned about the variety of cultures in Peru. Of course, Japan also has various culture in that land. However, the history of Peru begin with various cultures. Peru is famous as the country of Incan Empire. Actually, this empire did not controll the territory with monoculture system. The reasonwhy the empire could conquer territory is because the empire respect cultures which were conquered. The origion of stone’s arrengement technology which is famous as Incan culture was from other culture. The well combination of cultures, Incan Empire was destroyed by Spain. Of course, that was not the complete destruction. […]
I live in the south of Brazil, in a small island connected to South America by a bridge. The majority of the people who live there are immigrants from Germany or Italy, so there aren’t many Nikkei people there. There is a big lake in the island where oyster culture is done frequently. It is said to be the first place to start oyster culture in Brazil. The main food in Brazil is meat, but being a Japanese person, I miss eating fish. If you go to the market you can find fresh sea food, and in most Japanese restaurants serve sushi and sashimi. Although Brazil is a large country, […]