링구아팍스 아시아 심포지엄 2016 Linguapax Asia Symposium 2016
원문: 일본어
원문 게시일: 2016년 6월 15일
번역자: rion
여러분 오랜만입니다. 후지타 라운드 사치요입니다. 이번 블로그는 2016년 6월 11일에 일본 오사카(大阪)에서 개최된 링구아팍스(언어를 통한 평화) 아시아2016 심포지엄에 대한 보고입니다.
이번 심포지엄은 간사이대학교(関西大学) 센리야마(千里山) 캠퍼스에서 개최되었습니다. 풍성한 프로그램으로 구성되었는데, 그 내용은 홍콩, 오사카(일본), 포르투갈, 미국, 러시아, 파푸아뉴기니, 그리고 고베(일본)에서 연구 발표를 위해 와 주신 연구자분들의 프레젠테이션 발표가 8개, 포스터 발표가 3개, 다큐멘터리 영화 ‘피진: 하와이의 목소리(Pidgin: the Voice of Hawaii)’ 상영, 그리고 마지막으로 지적 자극으로 가득했던 프레젠테이션을 서로 연결하기 위한 라운드 테이블 순으로 진행되었습니다.
심포지엄 후, 논의를 계속하기 위한 간친회도 있었습니다. 참가자 전원이 세계의 다채로운 지역을 망라하는 프레젠테이션을 통해 이번 심포지엄의 주제이기도 한 ‘이주, 이주자와 언어(MIGRATION, MIGRANTS AND LANGUAGE)’에 대해 배울 수 있는 기회가 되었습니다. 운영 위원의 한 사람으로서 이번 심포지엄에 참가해주신 모든 분들께 감사의 말씀을 드립니다. 그럼 2년 뒤에 다시 뵙겠습니다.
아래는 상세한 프로그램입니다.(영문)
Organized by: Linguapax Asia.
Sponsored by: The Institute for Oriental and Occidental Studies, Kansai University
International Symposium
Current issues involving: Migration, language and new citizenship, language proficiency policies and requirements, migration to countries of language proximity, language change, terminologies (e.g. migrant vs refugee), language loss and maintenance, how language influences migration.
Kansai University, Osaka
Saturday, 9:15-18:00, June 11th , 2016
Kansai Daigaku, Suita, Osaka, Senriyama Campus, Ibunkan 4F, Seminar Space
Organizing Committee for Linguapax 2016: Fred Anderson (Symposium Chair, Kansai University), Hirokazu Nukuto (Assistant to the Chair, Kansai University), John C. Maher (Programme Director, International Christian University), Jelisava Sethna (Director, Linguapax Asia), Sachiyo Fujita-Round (Rikkyo University)
Linguapax Asia is a non-profit, formerly UNESCO-affiliated organization. The symposium is open to the general public without registration/admission fees. Registration is on site, all day.
8:45 Registration
9:15-9:30 Symposium Chair. Fred E. Anderson, Kansai University.
Opening Message from Biba Jelisava Sethna, Director, Linguapax Asia.
Welcome. Professor Nobuo Nakatani, Kansai University, Director Institute of Oriental and Occidental Studies
Morning Session
Chair: Sachiyo Fujita-Round, Rikkyo University
1. Presentation and Discussion. The Interplay of Language, Religion, and Identity in the Narratives of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong. Ben Said, Selim, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2. Presentation and Discussion. Language policy in super-aged Japan: The case of the Economic Partnership Agreement. Ruriko Otomo, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Chair: Mary Noguchi, Kansai University
3. Presentation and Discussion. Crisis of the stability of Arabic language for Arab immigrants. Kazuhiko Nakae, Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, Japan.
4. Presentation and Discussion. Brazilian Schools in Japan: An Analysis in the Context of Migration. Cláudio da Silva, Coimbra University, Portugual.
Lunch 12:30-13:40
Poster Sessions (Seminar Space)
Morning Break 10.50. Conversational Interactions: Institutional Misunderstanding at a Call Center. Yuriko Kite, Kansai University, and Mika Ishino, Osaka University, Japan
Lunchtime Break 13.15. Local Practice and Global Competence: A Study of Multicultural Group Interaction in a Japanese University. Hirokazu Nukuto, Kansai University, Japan.
Afternoon Break 15.40. Multilingual Japan – Immigrant Communities of Japan. Manami Ohishi, Gakushuin University, Japan
Pidgin: the Voice of Hawaii. M. Booth and K. Young. New Day Films. 2009.
Afternoon Session
Chair: Joseph DeChicchis, Kwansei Gakuin University
5. Presentation and Discussion. Impact of stereotype threats on the first language preservation of the second generation immigrants in the United States. Yoko Miura, Wright State University, USA.
6. Presentation and Discussion. Migration from Central Asia to Russia. Vlada Baranova National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg and Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russia.
Chair: Fred E. Anderson, Kansai University
7. Presentation and Discussion. Rabaul Creole German: From Low Prestige to a Marker of Pride. Craig Alan Volker, The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia.
8. Presentation and Discussion. Exposing a sociolinguistic adjustment of a marginalized minority: the case of Spanish speakers (SS) in Japan. Analia Vitale, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan.
Round Table
Modulator: John C. Maher, ICU, Programme Director, Linguapax Asia.
18:00-20:00 Reception