「沖縄戦の体験を語り継ぐ」活動を紹介 Introducing the activity of “Handing down WW2 experience in Okinawa”
Language言語: English/日本語 On the 16th of Aug, the weather improved and I popped in the Lytham 1940s War Time Festival. 8月16日、お天気は昨日よりもよくなり、気持ちの良い午後に、リズムの1940年代戦争時をテーマにしたフェスティバルに寄ってみた。 Paul indicated that battle re-enactment field was divided from the commercial area. What is commercial area in terms of 1940s? First, I walked along glancing the whole stalls and tents; they were selling fashionable dresses, fancy hats and accessaries in 1940s, so as soldier’s uniforms, helmets, etc. The music in the war time perhaps was played in the large tent, too. Ok, all these markets looked very familiar as a festival. Somthing people can have fun. そういえば、ポールさんが戦闘の再現する場所と「営利目的」のエリアとは区別されているといっていた。1940年代をテーマにした「営利目的」のエリアとは何だろう。まずは、全体の屋台やテントをざっと歩いてみる。屋台やテントでは当時の流行だった女性のドレス、飾りのついた帽子やアクセサリーを売っていたり、兵士の軍服やヘルメットまであった。大きなテントでは当時のものと思われる音楽もかけられている。なるほど、屋台エリアはお祭りっぽい。来場者が楽しめる感じだ。 In the opposite side of the area, I saw series of war time airplanes […]
Language言語: English/日本語 Very luckily, the man in the uniform, Paul, is a history teacher and he explained about this battle re-enactment, as the way I wanted. He was dressed in German soldier’s uniform and he explained that it would be a battle re-enactment in the afternoon, a battle between British, American and German teams (mock armies?). The main purpose for this battle is to re-enact the war time and makes his students/younger generation know how the war was like, he said. It sounded more like experitential excercise of education. Ok, I felt relieved, in one way, because being a Japanese I was the enemy for British & American armies in war […]
Language言語: English/日本語 This year I happened to be in Lytham, the north of England, on the day of Aug 15. The end of WW2. This year is 70th year since the war ended. I was wondering how British people will see or do on this day. If I was in Japan, our local goverment announcement through the public speaker to remind us about the day, I would stop the things I was doing and close my eyes to pay the respect and think of the dead, victims of the wars and nuclear bombs, in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Okinawa, though only within my limited imagination of what happened to them. 今年の8月15日に、私は北イングランドのリズムの街に滞在している。第二次世界大戦の終戦日。今年は戦後70年にあたる年。私はイギリスの人たちがこの日をどのように捉えて何をするのだろうと思いを巡らしていた。もし、私が日本にいたならば、自治体のスピーカーから終戦記念日であることを知らせるアナウンスがあり、それと共に私は仕事の手をとめ、黙とうを捧げ、広島、長崎、沖縄の戦争と原子力爆弾の犠牲者、死者となってしまった人たちに思いをはせていただろう、彼らに何が起きたのかということは限られた想像力の範疇でしか思いを寄せることはできないが。 This […]